Freedom Prayer is a ministry at Kainos Church that aims to help people find freedom from barriers that may keep them from experiencing joy and peace in Christ. We've given this prayer ministry a name to differentiate it from our other prayer team/efforts which provide ongoing support and intercession for individuals and for the growth of the Kingdom of God through Kainos Church.
Frequently asked questions
How does scripture apply to and work with Freedom Prayer?
The promises and principles found in God's Word are the basis for all effective prayer ministry. The Kainos Church leadership are committed to ministering in a way that is solidly biblical. If we don't find it in the Bible, we don't do it. This strong biblical grounding gives the Holy Spirit room to do what only he can do. We seek to be humble before the Lord and to honor the people who come for ministry. We also maintain a strong system of accountability and confidentiality.
What does a prayer time “look” like?
During a prayer time, you will meet with 3 prayer team members, usually of the same gender. One team member will primarily lead the prayer time with help from the other two members. This team will have been praying on your behalf prior to your scheduled prayer time, and they will be seeking the Lord’s leading during the actual prayer time as well. The prayer time will center on Scripture and trusting the Holy Spirit to lead through applicable areas such as forgiveness, repentance, identifying and removing lies and/or ungodly beliefs, confession of sin, and receiving God’s truth and His heart towards you. There will also be a time of blessing during the prayer session. Both you and the team will be active participants in the prayer time as we seek the Lord’s heart together.
Are there qualifications to receive a prayer time?
There are no specific qualifications necessary; but for a person to gain freedom, he or she must be honest and desire to be free, and willing to submit to God’s word. It is ideal if the person is a Christian, ready to deal with sin and repent, and if applicable, willing to be transparent and honest about the places that are hidden that he/she would not want anyone to know about. The person must be willing to forgive others and let go of judgment. He/she must want freedom and not just relief. Being under clear church authority and accountable to members of the church is also helpful. Finally, one should expect God to lead the prayer time and open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, without false expectations or prejudicial notions of what should occur.
Is my prayer time confidential?
Yes, everything that is said and done is held in the strictest of confidentiality. However, the information, as needed, may be shared with other leaders in the prayer team so as to help you continue in the freedom you have gained. With your permission, this may include future meetings with pastors or mentors in our church to set appropriate boundaries for your personal and spiritual growth. Furthermore, if there appears to be personal danger to you or to someone else that is discussed during the prayer time, the prayer team may be obliged to share information for your safety or the safety of others.
What type of follow-up occurs after my prayer time?
It is our goal that everyone who receives prayer is in a discipleship relationship and walking in close community with the body of Christ. At Kainos Church, this ideally means that you are in a close relationship with people that can continue to walk with you in growing freedom and accountability. While prayer sessions can be powerful times of personal ministry, new found freedom will be difficult to maintain and grow if we are not walking in close Christian community. If you are not in close community with other Christian believers, it will be our goal to help you establish these relationships. A Freedom Prayer session is not a “one and done” type of thing. You are welcome to schedule another prayer time to continue walking in freedom — whether it's for the same subject you addressed in your first prayer time or something completely different. We believe seeking the Lord, removing those barriers, and pursuing our spiritual freedom is a lifestyle, not a one time thing.
Can I sign up for a prayer time if I am not a family member or part of Kainos Church?
Prayer is open to anyone who desires to meet for prayer whether you are a part of Kainos Church or not. However, our goal is that everyone who comes to pray will be a part of a true Christian community.
Can I sign up a friend or family member for prayer?
We request that if you have someone you believe needs prayer that you direct them to this website so they can explore what the process entails and sign up for a prayer time on their own. It is important that the person coming for prayer understands what they are signing up for and has made a decision that this is something they want to participate in.
How can I become a member of the prayer team?
We will offer periodic training for people who are interested in serving on the prayer ministry team. Our next Freedom Prayer training will be offered in summer 2021 with specific dates TBD.
What if I am under the care of a psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor?
We recommend that you consult with the person(s) whom you are under the care of and get their permission before scheduling a prayer time. While likely a prayer time will only enhance your progress towards freedom, we respect and partner with practitioners and would advise that they are aware of areas covered in the prayer time. While we are a prayer ministry, we are not trained or authorized in licensed counseling or medical practice. We recommend that you continue in whatever treatment you are currently receiving and consult your doctor about your therapy and/or medications.
Who is leading the prayer time?
Prayer times are led by trained team members who have completed an in depth training over several months that is followed by an apprentice period. Because of the variety and depth of hurts that are encountered, members are trained in confidentiality and in which circumstances professional or legal authorities should be consulted. Team members are trained regarding when to speak and when to wait; remember, the purpose is to give the Holy Spirit room to do what Jesus promised. Team members have also sat in your seat — each having sought their own freedom in prayer times led by a team.